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News and Announcements

Please vote

MSU Center for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology in Pepsi Refresh Project

Posted in: Communication Sciences Disorders

Please help the MSU Center of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology win a $50,000 Pepsi Refresh Grant to help provide hearing aids to disadvantaged members of our community!

Voting will take place everyday throughout the month of December beginning today, December 1st.  You can vote once per day for our idea.  If we are in the top 10 by December 31st, our center will win $50K to put towards this community service.

Sign-up to vote for our idea at:

Please forward this to everyone you know because every vote counts.

As an aside, you will not receive any spam e-mails from Pepsi or the Refresh Everything project if you sign up and you can also sign up using more than one e-mail!


Thank you so much for all your help!