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Coccia News and Announcements

The Horde: Stories, Songs, and Images of Italian Emigration

Posted in: Coccia eNewsletter, Coccia Upcoming Events

Directed by Gualtiero Bertelli & Performed by La Compagnia delle acque
with the special participation of Gian Antonio Stella

September 30, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Jed Leshowitz Recital Hall
Montclair State University

Adapted from Stella’s 2002 best-seller with the same title, this multi-media show presents the fascinating story of Italian emigration starting from the post-Unification era until the 1970s. Through historical accounts, anecdotes, and factual data, renowned Corriere della Sera journalist Stella takes the audience on a journey through Europe and the Americas as an old-time storyteller. Accompanied by images of archival documents, illustrations, and photographs, which are projected on a screen, Stella’s engaging tale of the emigrants’ struggles, failures, and successes is enriched throughout by songs collected or written by ethnomusicologist Bertelli and performed by the Compagnia delle Acque ensemble with traditional instruments.

Co-sponsored by the Coccia Institute for the Italian American Experience, the John J. Cali School of Music and the History Department at Montclair State University and co-presented by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York and the Consulate of Italy in Newark within the NY-NJ Italian Culture Bridge Program. This program is included in the 2011 Italian Heritage and Culture Month Celebration dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Italy’s Unification.The NJ-NY tour of L’orda is also supported by SUNY Stony Brook.

For a clip of the show:
For the company’s site:

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