Director of the Coccia Institute, Mark Rotella, Voted as New Board Member of IHCC-NY
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Congratulazioni to our Director, Prof. Mark Rotella, for being unanimously voted in as a new Board member of the Italian Heritage & Culture Committee of New York.
“The IHCC-NY, Inc.’s role in concert with the Office of the Consulate General, as well as with the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) and the Italian American Committee on Education (IACE), has been strengthened over the years in more collaborative ways so as to achieve common goals in education, heritage, culture, language, diplomatic respect, and a better understanding of the Italianità that is so important to the legacy bequeathed to Italian Americans by their families. For many years the Consuls General of Italy have each fully supported the efforts of IHCC-NY, as has the Office of the Director of Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York.
Today, owing to the work of the IHCC-NY, Inc., a multitude of programs and events is organized by cultural associations, community centers, libraries, schools, and university departments of Italian in the greater New York metropolitan area to proudly celebrate October’s Italian Heritage and Culture Month. Moreover, in other places such as Illinois; Massachusetts; New Jersey; Rhode Island; Washington D.C.; Wisconsin; and more, Italian Americans have followed the example of the IHCC-NY, Inc. and enhanced activities in their respective areas for the month of October.” (You can read more about the objectives of the IHCC-NY here)
Professor Rotella looks forward to enhancing the initiatives of upcoming programs and events alongside other notable members and leaders within the Italian American community.