Welcome Maria Gloria Borsa to the Blue Ribbon Judges’ Panel!
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The Coccia Institute welcomes Maria Gloria Borsa, the 2020 recipient of the Coccia-Inserra Teaching Award, on her new appointment to the Blue Ribbon Judges’ Panel! Maria Gloria Borsa joins Dr. Andrea Baldi (Panel Chair), Dr. Annavaleria Guazzieri, Dr. Mary Sisler, and Ida Nolemi Lanza to oversee the process and select the recipient of the 2021 Coccia-Inserra Teaching Award. We thank Dr. Roberto Dolci for his dedication and service to the selection of the winning applicants over the years.
The application for the 2021 Coccia-Inserra Teaching Award is now OPEN! Apply by July 30, 2021 for a chance to be the recipient of the $5,000 award, which will be allocated to the professional development of the teacher and to advance the Italian language and culture curriculum and programming within the recipient’s classroom.
To view the specifications of the application, click here.
To apply, please click here.