Congratulations to the 2020 Italian Award and Scholarship Recipients!
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Given the necessary cancellation of the 2020 Italian Scholarships and Awards Ceremony scheduled for April 1st, the Coccia Institute and the Italian faculty would nonetheless like to announce and acknowledge the recipients of the 2019-2020 Italian Awards Program. Congratulazioni! And grazie, Prof.ssa Gina Miele and Prof. David Del Principe, for once again serving as Co-Chairs of the Scholarship Committee.
The Columbian Foundation Student Internship for Spring 2020 ($1250): Alexis Ventre
The Columbian Foundation Student Internship for Fall 2020 ($1250): Deanna DeCorte
The Cav. Joseph Coccia, Jr. Memorial Intermediate Italian Scholarships (2 $500 awards): Sergio Rivas, Jessica Pochek
Coccia Foundation Award for Italian Student of High Achievement ($1,000): Cristina Latino
Italian American Club of Four Seasons of Great Notch Student Achievement Award (2 $500 awards): Daniella Rodas, Nicole Venditti
Coccia Foundation Merit Scholarship for new Language, Business & Culture Majors ($750 award): Gloria LoPiccolo
Barbara Carbon Scholarship for Study Abroad in Italy ($1,000): Francesca Oliveri
Coccia-Inserra and Inserra-Coccia Italian Student Internships for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 (2 $1000 awards): Francesca Oliveri, Britney Kyeremey
All applicants were deserving of support this year. If you did not receive an award, we invite you to consider applying for the other scholarships offered both on and off campus (for details see the department webpage). The Italian Program is grateful to our generous donors for their support of the study of Italian language and culture, and we are pleased that these awards will be used toward tuition or study abroad experiences.
For your reference, here is the Program PDF acknowledging the generosity of our donors!
Congratulations to the winners and best of luck to all for your future applications. Bravi tutti!