Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop XII: “Enriching Your Classroom with DigITAL Media”
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October 25, 2019
Keynote Address: Silvana Ferreri, Universita’ di Viterbo
“Enriching Your Classroom with DigITAL Media” was the timely theme of the twelfth annual Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops, Montclair State University’s annual professional development program for teachers of Italian. A signature collaboration between the Italian program’s Prof.ssa Enza Antenos and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, this year’s program featured a compelling keynote address by Prof.ssa Silvana Ferreri (Universita’ di Viterbo); a lively panel discussion moderated by Symposium Chair Prof.ssa Enza Antenos; and four intensive, hands-on workshops led by Profs. Salvatore Bancheri and Simone Casini (University of Toronto), Margherita Berti (University of Arizona), Maria Gloria Borsa (Bellaire High School, Houston, TX), as well as Prof.ssa Ferreri. Also on the agenda: the NJ Italian Heritage Commission’s Universality of Italian Heritage Curriculum, presented by Commissioners Gilda Rorro Baldassari and Eileen Poiani (St. Peter’s University); presentation of the Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12) to Raffaella Pirone (Fox Lane High School, Bedford, NY); and introductory remarks and congratulations delivered by Dr. Peter Kingstone, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Dominic Caruso, Esq., Hon. Consul of Italy in New Jersey.
A photo album from the event made for your viewing can be found here.
In case you missed it, here is the full program from Teaching Italian XII (PDF).