2019 Coccia-Inserra Teaching Award!
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October 25, 2019
Congratulazioni, RAFFAELLA PIRONE, outstanding recipient of the 2019 Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12). Raffaella (Fox Lane High School, Bedford, NY) was accompanied by a justifiably proud Magaly Reluzco, World Language Coordinator for the Bedford Central School District. Introduced by Prof. Andrea Baldi (Rutgers University) and Annavaleria Guazzieri (Dirigente Scolastica of the Consulate General of Italy in NY), members of the distinguished ‘blue ribbon panel’ of judges along with Chair Prof.ssa Clorinda Donato (Graziadio Chair of Italian Studies, California State University, Long Beach); Prof. Roberto Dolci (Universita’ per Stranieri di Perugia); and Ida Nolemi Lanza (San Pedro High School, San Pedro CA-Retired). A special thank you to the generous donors of this prestigious award, Coccia Foundation and Lawrence R. Inserra, Jr. Congratulatory remarks were offered by Dominic Caruso, Esq., Hon. Consul of Italy in NJ.
Here is the web album for the 2019 Teaching Award.
Here is an article written by “We The Italians” congratulating Raffaella on her accomplishment!