The 2019 Italian Scholarships and Award Ceremony
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The Coccia Institute would like to congratulate all the awards recipients (and their proud families) from this year’s Scholarship Ceremony! Many thanks to our generous donors and to Profs. Gina Miele and David Del Principe, co-chairs of the Scholarship Committee. We would also like to thank Prof. Jeffrey Gall, for the splendid program to which your exceptional opera students treated our guests. Grazie ancora, Dirigente Scolastica Annavaleria Guazzieri, for joining us on this lovely occasion–and, last but not least, two wonderful presentations by Montclair State students Natalie Yavorski and Cristina Latino.
Please enjoy this web album from the 2019 Italian Scholarships and Award Ceremony.
In case you missed it, here is the 2019 Italian Scholarships and Awards Ceremony Program (PDF).