2018 Italian Scholarships and Award Ceremony
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A wonderful celebratory evening at Montclair State University’s Italian Scholarships and Awards Ceremony. Enthusiastic congratulations to our student recipients and a sincere thank you to our generous donors! Hosted annually by the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, in collaboration with the Italian Program’s Scholarship Co-chairs, this ceremony/reception featured excellent presentations by Professor Enza Antenos and two recipient-interns (Rosanna Coviello and Emma Rush), as well as gracious remarks by Dr. Annavaleria Guazzieri (Director of Education, Consulate General of Italy in NJ), and jazz versions of Italian classics by Laura Campisi and Leandro Pellegrino. Always a pleasure to welcome our dedicated donors and proud family and friends of our students to campus!
In case you missed it, here’s the 2018 Scholarship Ceremony Program (PDF).