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Coccia News and Announcements

Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12)

Posted in: Coccia eNewsletter, Coccia Upcoming Events

Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12)
Application for the Year 2011

The Coccia-Inserra Award honors a teacher of Italian at the K-12 level, and is generously donated by Cav. Joseph Coccia, Jr. and Mr. Lawrence R. Inserra, Jr.   Cav. Coccia aggressively pursues the preservation and promotion of Italian culture, having established the Coccia Foundation in 1994, and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America at Montclair State University. Mr. Inserra also contributes significantly to the rich field of Italian American Studies with the newly instituted Theresa and Lawrence R. Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies, also at Montclair State University. The Recipient of the Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12) will receive $2000 for his/her school, to be used to advance its Italian language and culture curriculum and programming.

The award is open to teachers who currently are:
a.    Members in good standing of either:
i.    AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian) or
ii.    ITANJ (Italian Teachers Association of New Jersey)
b.    Full-time K-12 classroom teachers of Italian

Selection Process
A Blue Ribbon Panel of experts has been established to oversee the process and select the award recipient.

  • Dr. Anthony Julian Tamburri, Professor and Dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute at Queens College
  • Dr. Andrea Baldi, Associate Professor of Italian; Chair of the Department of Italian at Rutgers University, New Brunswick
  • Dott. Antonio Benetti, Dirigente Scolastico, Consulate General of Italy in New York
  • Dr. Roberto Dolci, Associate Professor of Linguistics, Università per Stranieri di Perugia
  • Dr. Marisa Trubiano, Associate Professor of Italian; Deputy Chair of the Department of Spanish and Italian at Montclair State University

The Blue Ribbon Panel will evaluate participants on the following criteria:

a.    Planning and Preparation
i.    The teacher’s effectiveness as demonstrated in sample lesson plans that conform to the state standards and address the three   modes of communication.  These plans should evidence:
1.    goals and activities that inspire and engage students in their own learning;
2.    use of technology and 21st century skills to enhance the students’ learning experience;
3.    assessment that reflects current practice.

b.    Involvement Outside the School
i.    The teacher’s leadership as demonstrated in ACTIVE involvement with professional organizations and the promotion of the Italian language and culture (e.g., presentations, workshops, administrative duties, public relations work) that have benefited the Italian program and its students;
ii.    Creating opportunities for community and/or parent participation in the Italian program (e.g., film night, festival), where parents and other community members are invited.

c.    Instructional Innovations
i.   Evidence of effective instruction practice via supervisor and/or principal’s classroom observation report;
ii.   Student comments/letters/etc.;
iii.    Teacher’s self-evaluation and reflections;
iv.    Active participation in Professional Development events, in the capacity of presenter, facilitator, workshop leader, etc.;
v.    Teachers must submit a video-recorded lesson or part thereof that is between 15 and 20 minutes in length.  Videos must be uploaded to YouTube and privacy setting must be set to Private. The link will be sent to one (1) email address to be viewed by the panelists only [].  The panelists will affirm, in writing, that the video will not be  shared with or distributed to anyone beyond the panel for the award.  Permission forms must be sent home, if the School or the Board does not already have in place a policy about students appearing in promotional materials.

Application Deadline:  Saturday, August 20, 2011

Award Presentation:  Friday, October 21, 2011 at the professional development symposium:
Teaching Italian:  A Symposium / Workshop for Instructional Materials.
Meeting IV: The New AP Exam: Formazione di docenti e discenti.
(Montclair State University)


Home Address
Home Telephone
School(s) Name
School Address

School Telephone
District Name
Number of Students of Italian
Total Years of Teaching Experience
Years in Present Position

Application and Supporting Material should be sent to:
Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America

Montclair State University
Dickson Hall, Suite 171
Montclair, New Jersey 07043


Supporting Material
It is the responsibility of the applicant to assemble the following supporting material in the order listed:
SECTION A:    Nominee Application Form

SECTION B:    Letters of Support – Attach a total of four (4) letters from the following individuals:

  • one (1) letter from an administrator (preferably someone who is a supervisor of foreign languages);
  • one (1) letter from a colleague (who can support in detail the nominee’s exceptional qualities); and
  • two (2) separate letters from two students whom the nominee has taught (or is currently teaching).

These letters are most helpful if they contain specific examples of the impact that the teacher’s work had on them and on their classmates in learning Italian and/or appreciating the Italian language and culture.

SECTION C:    Nominee’s Resume of no more than two (2) pages.

SECTION D:    Personal Statement – A one-page summary of candidate’s teaching philosophy, including learning outcomes. Specific examples   would be most helpful.

SECTION E:     Any documentation (certificates, proof of participation) from Professional Development events, either as an attendee, and/or as a presenter, facilitator, workshop leader, etc.

SECTION F:     Other documentation, e.g., copies of newspaper articles or other materials (including web sites links), highlighting accomplishments of candidate, if available.

Please note: ONLY the above stated documents will be accepted in a completed nomination packet.
No additional documents will be accepted.