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Coccia News and Announcements


Posted in: Coccia eNewsletter

Held on April 27th, 2009

“More than Ever Before, It Makes Sense to Major in Italian ”

“To conclude another academic year by recognizing deserving Italian majors and minors continues to be a highlight for the Department of Spanish and Italian. Fortuitously, the Italian program has continued to prosper this year despite the current economic climate, and, together with the Joseph and Elda Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, the District 7 and Saddle Brook Chapters of UNICO, the Passaic Valley Chapter of UNICO, the A Banfi chapter of the Associazione Nazionale Mariniai d’Italia (a national Italian seamen’s association) and il Circolo Shardana (an association dedicated to Sardinian culture), has contributed to an ongoing effort that has translated to dollars and cents to majors and minors in the Italian language and culture at Montclair State. This year, the Italian program is excited to be able to award to an unprecedented number of students – fifteen in total – over $8000 for their achievements, excellence and merit.

The members of the Italian faculty – Drs. Antenos-Conforti, Del Principe, Dini, Miele and Trubiano – note that this year’s group of majors and minors in Italian is one of the brightest and most dedicated to ever study at Montclair State University. Not only are they smart, critical thinkers and devotees of the Italian Culture, language, and literature, but several are pursuing Teacher Certification in Italian and planning to make Italian their life’s work. They have exhibited ardent interest in Italian cultural event s and extracurricular activities, especially as sponsored by the AMICI Club, and have cultivated and inspired in other a passion for all things Italian both in and out the classroom.”

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