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Coccia News and Announcements

Annual Heritage Day and Student Symposium (Statewide Cultural Education Program for Students)

Posted in: Coccia eNewsletter

Feature image for Annual Heritage Day and Student Symposium (Statewide Cultural Education Program for Students)

On April 2, 2008 the Coccia Institute co-sponsored a program for students with the Italian Teachers Association of New Jersey ITANJ known as the Cultural Education and Heritage Symposium.

The program provides an expansion of opportunities for students and teachers of Italian in the region to gather and share experiences centering on their common pursuits of teaching the Italian language and culture to their students.

The activities are guided and supported by combining the existing human and financial assets of ITANJ and The Coccia Institute. The program is student centered using this year’s theme, “Sports of Italy.” The cultural theme is announced to teachers of participating schools beforehand who will help create presentations, developed and managed by students at their local schools the presentations are then done during the Symposium program.

Expanding the program geographically will be part of the long term planning so as to encourage school participation from other parts of the state that may be unable to attend because of distance. Furthermore expanding this offering to other geographical parts of the state will provide broader exposure for the Institute and the Italian Teachers Association of New Jersey.

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