A Path to a Greener Future
Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center holds annual Energy Summit
September 27, 2021
Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center holds annual Energy Summit
September 27, 2021
Sustainability seminar presented by Marisa Slaten, Director, PHI Regulatory Strategy & Services, Atlantic City Electric.
April 28, 2020
Summit at Montclair State explores clean and sustainable energy
September 30, 2019
Today, the State of New Jersey released the Draft 2019 Energy Master Plan (EMP), which provides an initial blueprint for the total conversion of New Jersey’s energy profile to 100 percent clean energy by 2050, as directed by Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 28.
September 23, 2019
When Governor Murphy recently signed a landmark clean energy bill into law, New Jersey reclaimed the national policy leadership it abdicated during years of stagnation under the Christie Administration, and jump-started the state’s clean energy economy.
September 23, 2019
The Danish developer will build a 1.1-gigawatt offshore wind farm for the Garden State, as it consolidates its leading position in the U.S. market.
September 23, 2019
Ocean Wind LLC, the developer of the state’s first offshore wind farm, has secured the rights to bring power ashore at the former Oyster Creek nuclear station, a move advocates say could reduce the project’s costs to connect to the region’s transmission system.
September 23, 2019
Consumer, environmental, and industry groups want to know why an independent report commissioned by the BPU has yet to be seen by the public.
April 16, 2019
With nuke plant now offline, a sale of the site to Holtec, a Camden-based company, is under federal review
March 27, 2019
Critics argue most of the backup pipelines will never be needed, question utility’s decision to invest in infrastructure based on problems not likely ever to occur
March 21, 2019
NJ Spotlight roundtable is told climate change will be the big driver of changes in how energy is applied, delivered and used in the state and elsewhere
March 18, 2019