About the Department of Writing Studies

Uniting professional communication and rhetorical studies, our dedicated faculty of scholars and working writers prepare and empower students to be dynamic thinkers and writers in the 21st century. Writing Studies is an essential foundation for a diversity of careers in professional, civic, technical, and scientific writing, and key preparation for graduate studies in writing. We hope you’ll take a moment to explore the variety of our courses, activities, and events as well as introduce yourself to the faculty and students who have found excellence in Writing Studies.

– Students now have the opportunity to major in Public and Professional Writing.
– If you have questions about the major or minor or need to talk to the Chair, email Jessica Restaino.
– Questions about First-Year Writing should be directed to Tatum Petrich.
Looking to waive a general education course?
– For a fuller view of program activities, please email Jessica Restaino to request a copy of the Writing Studies annual report.

Photo of a student listening in a classroom setting.

Our Programs

We currently offer courses in our award winning First-Year Writing program and our Public and Professional Writing minor.  We launched a major in Public and Professional Writing in Fall 2019. These programs are attuned to improving students’ writing, critical thinking, and creativity across the entire university community and toward a diversity of careers. For example, in 2019, four students who wrote a grant proposal for Montclair Community Farms in WRIT 302: Grant Writing were awarded a $10,000 grant to benefit the local non-profit.

Programs of Study

“Words Matter”: A Docushort

Writing Studies major and department intern Toan Le’s short film asks Montclair State students across majors an essential question, “Why do you write?” Check out this interesting, funny, impactful piece that reminds us all of how important writing is in our lives, both in school and out.

Contact Us

Contact Department of Writing Studies
Schmitt Hall 222


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