exterior of Dickson Hall

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photo of Professor Ian Drake outside with jacket and scarf

Opinion: The Electoral College Picks a U.S. President and Shows Us Why We Need It

By Ian Drake
Montclair State Associate Professor of Political Science and Law

black background with the words "Italics- the Italian American Experience" in white text

Coccia Institute Director Interviewed by Anthony Tamburri of the Calandra Institute

Professors Thomas Herold and Pascale LaFountain

German Program Nationally Recognized as Center of Excellence

Achievement reflects success in creating a community for world language learners

photo of 3 book covers by Jim and Laura Nicosia

Professors Nicosia and Nicosia Announce their Fourth Collected Volume for 2019-2020

photo of event flyer featuring event title, "Slaves Among Us" and images of the two event speakers

Slaves Among Us

A Webinar Book Roundtable Discussion

photo of young boy playing with blocks in foreground and an adult blurred in the background

Master of Social Work Program at Montclair State University Receives National Accreditation

Program continues strong growth, will bring new added value with increased licensure capability for graduates

Collage of BLM photos

Dr. Fiore Presents on BLM in Italy in a Transnational Perspective (Brandeis U – Nov. 11, 2020)

Photo of Santiago Italia & Nanni Moretti

Santiago, Italia (Conversation about Moretti’s Documentary – Nov. 22, 2020)

photo of poet Jenny Xie on zoom call with smaller images of attendees at top

Poet Jenny Xie Reads Poetry and Has Q&A with Students

Collage of Fall Poetry Readins & Lectures

Marie Frazee Baldasarre Professorship Lecture Series with Lauren Arrington

“Constance Markievicz: aristocrat, artist, socialist, revolutionary”

Image of Dickson Hall in Winter

CHSS Winter Services and Calendar

Thanksgiving to the Opening of Spring 2021 Semester

Collage of Fawzia's Oct 28 panel discussion

Fawzia Afzal-Khan to Participate in Discussion on Media, State and Society in Pakistan