Why Study Medical Humanities?

The Medical Humanities program investigates the human experience of health and illness. The Medical Humanities is an interdisciplinary field, one that lies at the intersection of the social sciences, the humanities, the arts, the biomedical sciences and the caregiving disciplines.

Majors examine fundamental and far-ranging questions about health and illness, from personal health struggles to global medical systems. Through interactions with faculty members from colleges and schools across the university, they learn how different social contexts, belief systems, historical traditions and literary works shape our perspectives on disease and the healing arts. Majors explore such diverse subjects as the ethics of care, patient advocacy, body image, narrative medicine, disabilities rights, medical racism, reproductive autonomy, genetic counseling, arts-based therapies, public health, health policy and the nature of death and dying.

About Us

Photo of student in classroom

Flexible Curriculum

The Medical Humanities major offers a broad and flexible curriculum. Majors take core courses in Bioethics, Medical Anthropology, and Literature and Illness and fulfill further requirements through a choice of offerings in Psychology, History, Sociology, Religious Studies, Child Advocacy and Biology. Majors also pursue individual academic and career goals by choosing one of four tracks of electives:

Program of Study

Photo of Jefferson Gatrall

Our Faculty

Our accomplished faculty join us from colleges and schools across the university, bringing expertise from a range of disciplines and inviting students to investigate the human experience of health and illness.

Meet our Faculty

Contact Us

Contact Medical Humanities
Schmitt Hall 222