students filling out paper applications

Montclair Language Resources

Montclair students and staff: this is your one-stop source for finding information about scholarships for language learning and study abroad, Montclair clubs, internships, language courses, job postings, and more!

Curious about the careers that actively recruit students with strong world language skills? Need more information about the benefits of the Montclair World Language Requirement? You will need your Montclair Net ID to access many of these resources. Have a question about a specific language? Contact a Language Advisor!

Want to explore exciting career opportunities that align with the language/s you speak or are studying? Start with our Language Career Calculator, watch brief Languages on the Job videos submitted by alumni working in the United States and abroad, or scroll through a list of job sectors that actively recruit students with language skills.

Photo of hands sorting through stickers featuring multiple languages

Want to chat with other language speakers about job opportunities? Join the World Languages  Canvas community for language careers.

Not currently taking a language? Try the “What World Language is Right for You” survey or contact a language advisor from the list above.

Looking for ways to practice or professionalize your current language skills?

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