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News and Announcements

CHSS Newsletter

Posted in: CHSS Newsletter, Homepage News and Events

photo of Dickson Hall in sunglight. gray semi-transparent shape over left side of image with text College of Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Welcome Message from Dean Kingstone:

Welcome back to the start of a new academic year. It’s been such a pleasure to see so many people back on campus … and to see so many faces! Hopefully, it is a sign that we are starting to put the pandemic behind us and to return to the richness of meaningful in-person interaction.

Business is booming at Montclair State – as President Koppell noted in his opening address, we have the largest student population in the history of the university with a record entering class along with rising numbers of transfer students and retention of existing students. In very large measure, that is down to you, the faculty and staff who continue to make Montclair State and our College a special place. We are a College that produces national and world leading research while also providing a high quality education predicated on the care, energy and passion that our faculty and staff devote to our students.

We have a special role in the College. As the country and the world face increasingly difficult challenges, we are the storytellers who make meaning out of data and craft narratives that explore and reveal our shared humanity across our many societal borders.

I wish you all a productive, constructive and enjoyable year.

Peter Kingstone
Dean, CHSS

Community-Based Learning Makes an Impact

Professor Mark Clatterbuck and students in his “Indigenous Voices Today” course scrapped the syllabus and instead embarked on a semester-long, justice-oriented, community learning experience.

Read more about this unique course experience

Service Learning Project Reaches Local and International Communities

Graduate students in the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) program recently had the opportunity to apply their studies and knowledge to directly impact children and families at the U.S.- Mexico border and in Trenton, NJ, with a shared-book reading project.

Read more about the shared-book reading project

Faculty and Student News