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March 29 and 30: Giuseppe Ceraudo and Veronica Ferrari

Posted in: CHSS News

Feature image for March 29 and 30: Giuseppe Ceraudo and Veronica Ferrari

Two Italian scholars will visit the Montclair State University campus during March to assist in the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the “Villa of the Antonines” archaeological project led by Deborah Chatr Aryamontri and Timothy Renner of the Center for Heritage and Archaeological Studies and the Department of Classics and Humanities.  The “Villa of the Antonines” project is excavating a second century CE imperial Roman villa 18 miles from the center of Rome in Genzano di Roma and studying the history of the territory in which the complex is located. 

The visiting scholars, Giuseppe Ceraudo and Veronica Ferrari, respectively associate professor and assistant professor in the Department of Cultural Heritage at the University of Salento in Lecce, Italy, are specialists in remote sensing and aerial photography as applied to archaeology. 

Ceraudo teaches and works extensively in the field with the application of GIS technology to archaeological sites, edits a journal focusing on aerial photography in archaeology, and is the principal investigator at the archaeological site of Aquinum.  Ferrari especially focuses on the use of innovative technologies such as photogrammetric restitution and data management in GIS, as well as aerial imagery.  
Ceraudo’s stay in New Jersey is made possible by a Global Education Center Grant obtained by Chatr Aryamontri, Renner, and Danlin Yu and Greg Pope of the Department of Earth and Environmental Studies and designed to foster collaborative projects between Montclair State University and overseas institutions.

While on campus, Ceraudo and Ferrari will conduct a workshop on the application of GIS to archaeology (Wed., March 29, 10 a.m. to noon, CELS 123B; space limited, RSVP, and Ceraudo will give a public lecture on new technology in the field of archaeology on Thursday, March 30 at 10 a.m. in Cohen Lounge, Dickson Hall first floor