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New Article by Tiger Roholt on Meta-Philosophy and Aesthetics

Posted in: CHSS News

Feature image for New Article by Tiger Roholt on Meta-Philosophy and Aesthetics

Tiger Roholt, associate professor in the Department of Philosophy, has just published the article "On the Divide: Analytic and Continental Philosophy of Music," in the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (75, no. 1, 2017).

The distinction between analytic (Anglo-American) and continental (European) philosophy is not well understood within the philosophy of art. In this article, Roholt focuses on the most active subfield of the philosophy of art, the philosophy of music, and argues for a distinction between traditions based on philosophical methodology. He shows that there are contrasting methodological tendencies within each tradition—initial maneuvers that frame an investigation, which are related to one another insofar as they involve, or do not involve, two kinds of methodological detachment.

Roholt is author of two books: Groove: A Phenomenology of Rhythmic Nuance (Bloomsbury Academic, 2014) and Key Terms in Philosophy of Art (Bloomsbury Academic, 2013).