Afghan Shoe Drive
Posted in: CHSS News

The PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies is working to help support the efforts of the Center for Global Human Trafficking. Together, we are collecting winter shoes (now through Friday, December 10th) that are in new or lightly used condition for Afghan refugees as Fort Dix. In addition to or as an alternative, we are also accepting well-wishes that will be translated to Persian and Pashto and printed to include along with the shoes. If you are interested in including a message, please send this via email to no later than Thursday, December 9th at 4:00 PM ET.
Shoe drop-off locations on campus at Montclair State University (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM):
Center for Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS) 100
Dickson Hall, first floor near the elevators
Conrad J. Schmitt Hall, first floor lobby area
University Hall, first floor
The Graduate School, fourth floor