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Pollack Speaker Series: Christopher King, United Nations’ Deputy Chief of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Branch

Posted in: Political Science and Law

Event flyer

The 2021 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Are we any closer to genuine nuclear disarmament?

October 27 @ 2:00 PM
CELS 120

You can also register to attend via zoom:  https://montclair.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tcOGrrjwiGNIBZyo0eYloMFMZNCgkIUFH

Please join us for a conversation with Mr. Christopher King, Deputy Chief of the United Nations’ Weapons of Mass Destruction Branch.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons which entered into force in January, 2021, represents a new phase in the long fight to eliminate nuclear weapons and prevent a catastrophic nuclear war. This is the first time since the invention of nuclear weapons, that their development, production, possession, use and threat of use, has been explicitly prohibited in a global treaty. Unfortunately, nuclear-armed states are working to undermine international support for the Treaty, as they continue to modernize their weaponry.

This event is co-organized by Sprague Library and is also part of the “New Jersey and the Birth of the Atomic Age Series”