Spring 21 Calendar of Inserra Events
Posted in: CHSS News, Homepage News and Events, Inserra

The Spring 21 program of online events features scholars and professionals who will address issues of contemporary migration from Italy, food practices during WWII, preparation of ancient recipes that link Italy, Spain and Latin America, and music in Italian American cinema.
This interdisciplinary program is the result of several collaborations ranging from the University of Oxford to several departments and institutes on campus, and an association in Italy.
The workshop on Aztec chocolate is part of a broader initiative on Italian for Spanish speakers supported by a recent NEH AWARD
New this semester for all the events is the offering of simultaneous interpretation (English, Italian and in one case Spanish).
For more information, see flyer below and webpage.
Spring 2021

- Italiani che lasciano l’Italia (Italians Leaving Italy): A Book Presentation (online event in Italian with optional simultaneous interpretation into English)
Tuesday Feb. 23 12:15-1:30pm EST (5:15-6:30pm GMT in UK)
Organized by ISO (Italian Studies at the University of Oxford, UK)
in collaboration with the Inserra Endowed Chair at Montclair State University, the Italian Sub-Faculty at Oxford University and the Italian section of the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Bergen (Norway)
Speakers: Book co-editors Marco Alberio (Università degli Studi di Bologna/Université du Québec à Rimouski) and Fabio Berti (Università di Siena)
Respondents: Teresa Fiore (Montclair State University) and Monica Miscali (Norwegian University of Science and Technology).
Moderated by: Guido Bonsaver (University of Oxford)

The Taste of WWII in Italy: International Tensions and Local Solutions for Food Supplies
- An Online Lecture by Lizzie Collingham (in Italian and English with simultaneous interpretation)
Sunday March 7 2pm EST
In connection with the project Food, Hunger, Migration and the American Myth in Sicily at the Time of the WWII Allied Landing
In partnership with Associazione Memento, a Sicily-based non-profit dedicated to the memory of the Allied Landing in Licata (Italy).
In collaboration with the Italian Program (Dept. of World Languages and Cultures), the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, and the Department of History.

- An online cooking lesson with Annalisa Pompeo (in Italian with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish and English)
Designed in connection with the course project Italian for Spanish Speakers offered at MSU.
Monday April 19 11:00am-12:30pm EST – Zoom meeting with limited spots available
Included in the series “Dentro/Afuera: The Interconnections between Italian and Latin American/Spanish Cultures”
Linked to the Italian Program (Dept. of World Languages and Cultures) and the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Palermo (Lingua e Traduzione Spagnola)

The Soundtrack of Italian American Cinema
- An online talk by Mark Rotella (in English with simultaneous interpretation into Italian)
Designed in connection with the course “Italian Americans in Film,” offered at MSU
Thur. May 13 12:45-2:00pm EST – Zoom meeting with limited spots available
Linked to the Italian Program (Dept. of World Languages and Cultures)