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Naomi Conn Liebler Awarded the Townsend Harris Medal

Posted in: CHSS News

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Naomi Conn Liebler, professor in the Department of English and a University Distinguished Scholar, has been awarded the prestigious Townsend Harris Medal by the City College of New York Alumni Association for outstanding postgraduate achievement in her field. The association will present her with the award at the 137th Annual Alumni Dinner on Nov. 2.

Established in 1933, the Townsend Harris Medal has been awarded to Nobel Laureates, cabinet secretaries, Supreme Court Justices, and more. Recipients include Felix Frankfurter, Ira Gershwin, Oscar Hijuelos, Judd Hirsch, Irving Howe, Alfred Kazin, Ed Koch, Bernard Malamud, Walter Mosley, Colin Powell, Faith Ringgold, Alfred Stieglitz, and Eli Wallach.

Liebler specializes in Shakespeare; her research interests also include Early Modern English Drama, World Drama, Literary Theory, Tragedy, Renaissance Literature, Literature and Anthropology, and the Literature of Age and Aging. She is the author of Shakespeare’s Festive Tragedy: The Ritual Foundations of Genre (Routledge, 1995), and editor of the books Early Modern Prose Fiction: The Cultural Politics of Reading (Routledge 2007), The Female Tragic Hero in Renaissance English Drama (Palgrave, 2002), Tragedy: A Critical Reader, co-ed. with J. Drakakis (Longmans, 1998). She is currently editing the Early Modern/Renaissance volume of the 6-volume Cultural History of Tragedy (Bloomsbury/Methuen, due out in 2018).

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MA in English
Department of English