Project grants are grants given by the government or organization to fund research projects.
Seed grants are usually small amounts of money given that may be internal or external sourced.
One Seed Grant was awarded in 2017
Grant Applied For – Collaborative Research Grant
Granting Institution – The National Endowment for the Humanities
Faculty Awardee – Dr. Deborah Chatr-Aryamontri (Classics and General Humanities)
Project Title – The Emperor at Home: Uncovering the Roman Imperial “Villa of the Antonines”
Project Description – If it is awarded, the NEH funds requested will support, among other goals, the creation of a dedicated Geographical Information Systems (GIS) platform for the MSU “Villa of the Antonines” Project in Italy. We will plan and create a GIS prototype for the “Villa of the Antonines” upon which to build in further stages of the research. The GIS will answer questions of location, condition trends, routing patterns and modeling about the site and its surrounding territory that will help determine its layout and spatial-temporal development in order to understand the reasons behind these choices and therefore to build a cohesive picture of the meaning of this particular past human experience. Dr. Chatr-Aryamontri is the PI and collaborating with Dr. Timothy Renner, Dr. Danlin Yu, both professors at MSU, Dr. Diego Baldi, Researcher at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), and Dr. Veronica Ferrari and Dr. Giuseppe Ceraudo, respectively Researcher and Associate Professor in the Department of Cultural Heritage Studies at the University of Salento in Lecce, Italy.