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[Event] Year of Data – Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton

Posted in: Announcements, Events

Year Of Data

Event Name: Year of Data – Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton

Date: December 6, 2018

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Location: 010 East Pyne

Rebecca Sutton Koeser started the topic Year of Data – Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton:

The Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton is excited to launch Year of Data, a campus-wide initiative that will take place during the 2018-2019 academic year.

The CDH will host over twenty events – invited speakers, symposia, workshops, discussions – to encourage critical thinking about how data shapes our research, teaching, and daily lives. Together we’ll address questions such as:

  • How do we conceive of the human record as data?
  • What analytical, methodological, and technological practices do we bring to bear on questions of data in the humanities?
  • How can humanistic approaches transform data science?

Our programming kicks off with an . The Year of Data keynote address will be given by Dr. Safiya Noble, author of Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, on December 6.

For more details, read the Year of Data kick-off announcement and the CDH events page