National Endowment for the Humanities Short Documentary Grant
Posted in: Announcements, Grants & Awards

Grant Name: NEH Short Documentaries Grant
Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities
Amount: Up to $300,000
Important Dates:
- OSP Due – Jan 4, 2021
- Application Due – Jan 6, 2021
- Notification – Aug 1, 2021
- Project Start – Oct 1, 2021
Application: Click to LEARN MORE
The Short Documentaries program supports the production and distribution of documentary films up to 30 minutes that engage audiences with humanities ideas in appealing ways. The program aims to extend the humanities to new audiences through the medium of short documentary films. Films must be grounded in humanities scholarship.
The Short Documentaries program supports production of single films or a series of thematically-related short films addressing significant figures, events, or ideas. The proposed film(s) must be intended for regional or national distribution, via broadcast, festivals, and/or online distribution. The subject of the film(s) must be related to “A More Perfect Union”: NEH Special Initiative Advancing Civic Education and Commemorating the Nation’s 250th Anniversary.
Applicants must have consulted with a team of scholarly advisers in the humanities to develop the humanities themes, subjects, and ideas that the film(s) will explore. The humanities scholars must provide diverse perspectives, and incorporate a range of scholarly ideas and approaches.