September 17, 2020
Digital Project Grant Opportunity
Posted in: Grants & Awards

Grant Name: Digital Project Grant
Sponsor: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, Yale University, Yale Center for British Art (YCBA)
Important Dates:
- Application available: August 10, 2020
- Application due: September 30, 2020
- Reference submission due: October 10, 2020
Application: Click to LEARN MORE or APPLY (all applications must go through PIVOT).
Digital Project Grants are specifically designed to help institutions, galleries or museums towards the costs of supporting a curator or research scholar undertaking a digital research project or research which will lead to a digital or online project. These projects could take the form of:
- An online exhibition or curation of a digital project relating to British art or architectural history, or related topic.
- An online catalogue or database of a collection or archive, or an online catalogue or database of a specific part of a collection or archive.
- A research project using digital technologies, for example 3-D scanning or modelling, or which might make use of large datasets.