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CHSS Digital Media CoLab

[CFP] Student Research Symposium

Posted in: Announcements, Call for Proposals and Submissions

student research symposium poster

Time is running out! Submit your abstract before February 28th

If you are an MSU student doing research, the Student Research Symposium is a great opportunity to present and share your work.

The Montclair State University Annual Student Research Symposium (SRS) is a forum that showcases and rewards outstanding MSU student scholarship and research. The purpose of the SRS is to instill in students the “importance of exploring issues from multiple perspectives”.

The Center for the Digital Humanities (CDH) is involved to recognize and raise awareness of the projects and activities involving the digital humanities. Digital Humanities is not just the humanities, it involves digital methodologies and humanistic issues. This year’s SRS will be reviewing and recognizing abstracts that deal with this transdisciplinary area of study.

The SRS is inviting all undergraduate and graduate students of Montclair State University to submit abstracts focused on inter/multidisciplinary research and collaboration. Projects may be grounded in any discipline, including both the humanities and the hard sciences.

The three abstract categories are:

  • Oral presentation
  • Multimedia presentation
  • Poster

Don’t forget, the submission deadline is February 28.

If you are a faculty member, please share this with your students and encourage them to submit and also join this group.

For more information, please visit