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[CFP] for the Rutgers Digital Humanities Showcase

Posted in: Call for Proposals and Submissions

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The following was sent to the NJDH Consortium.
I’m forwarding this CFP for the Rutgers Digital Humanities Showcase. We would welcome submissions from our NJDHC partner institutions. Deadline for proposals: February 1, 2018.

Francesca Giannetti
Digital Humanities Librarian
Liaison to Classics, Comparative Literature, French and Italian
Alexander Library
Schedule a research consultation
Phone: 848-932-6097

Subject: Digital Humanities: Rutgers DH Showcase CFP, submit by Feb 1

Hi everyone,

As in years past, we’re planning another Digital Humanities Showcase for members of the Rutgers community, as well as regional colleagues and collaborators, to present their DH research, pedagogy, projects, and works in progress. The format is simple: talks are of medium, short, or very short duration. We hope that you will consider submitting your work, and sharing this call with your departments. Faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit. Full text of the CFP is below and on the web at We look forward to hearing from you!

All best,


Digital Humanities Showcase: Call for Proposals

Submit by February 1, 2018
Showcase on March 27, 2018

The interdisciplinary field of digital humanities (DH) aims to bring together humanistic inquiry and digital technologies, organizing new modes of archival research, developing computer-aided methodologies for answering humanistic questions, curating digitized archives of all kinds, bringing digital platforms into the classroom in creative ways, and engaging critically with the culture of new media.

In order to encourage collaboration and community at Rutgers, and regionally in the state New Jersey, the Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative invites contributions to a Digital Humanities Showcase, to be held at Alexander Library on Tuesday, March 27, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. (to be followed by a reception).

Faculty, staff, and graduate students are encouraged to propose short talks presenting works in progress, experiments, as well as completed research that bring together humanistic inquiry and digital technology. We also invite submissions from current affiliates of New Jersey institutions of higher education engaged in digital humanities research and teaching.

Possible rubrics for projects include:
digital mediation of humanists’ scholarship (e.g. projects with websites, databases, or apps)
digitization of cultural archives
development of digitally-based tools or techniques
scholarly communication topics, including open access, digital publishing, and data management
digital pedagogies in the humanities
computational methodologies
analyses of the role of the digital in humanities teaching or scholarship
the humanities and social media (in the classroom, among researchers, in public)
digital workflows for humanities research and writing
digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, and games
physical computing, minimal computing, applied to humanities research
… which is to say, anything drawing substantive connections between humanistic questions and digital technologies
Proposed talks can be in one of the following formats:
Medium-length (12 minutes)
Short (7 minutes)
Very short (3 minutes)

Please submit proposals by February 1, 2018. Proposals should describe the presentation in no more than 100 words, list participants and their affiliations, and designate the optimum length of the proposed talk (medium, short, or very short). The programs of previous DH Showcases are available to consult for 2017 and 2014.

Send proposals by e-mail to Francesca Giannetti at Proposals will be reviewed by a subcommittee of faculty associated with the Rutgers DHI. All authors will be notified by February 15, 2018.