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CWE Introduces Improved Digital Dashboard

Posted in: Center for Writing Excellence

The Center for Writing Excellence is pleased to present our improved Digital Dashboard, which contains hundreds of links to online resources for writers and teachers.

New links have been added to all of the existing categories within the Resources for Writers section, which include The Writing Process, Conducting Research, Citing Sources, Writing with Technology, Professional Writing, Writing in the Disciplines & Across the Curriculum, Multilingual Writers, Academic Integrity, and Grammar & Style. Among the new topics within these major sections, you’ll find: Writing with Apps, Writing for the Job Search, Writing at the Graduate Level, Writing for Publication, and Writing Grant Applications. We have also created two entirely new major categories, Rhetoric & Composition and Critical Reading. Rhetoric & Composition introduces writers to popular rhetorical models and presents strategies for conducting rhetorical analyses. Critical Reading offers tips for carefully reviewing assignment guidelines and techniques for interpreting and annotating texts.

Within the Resources for Teachers section, new links have been added to the existing categories: Integrating Writing into Your Course, Designing Assignments, Conducting Peer Review, Evaluating & Responding to Writing, Teaching Writing with Technology, Writing in the Disciplines & Across the Curriculum, Multilingual Writing, and Academic Integrity. Teaching Writing with Technology features an extensive unit on Canvas to help ease Montclair State University instructors’ transition from Blackboard to the newly adopted learning management system, Canvas.

A revised site format and descriptions for each resource make it easier to navigate the Digital Dashboard and locate information quickly. We encourage both writers and instructors to visit our website and see what the Digital Dashboard has to offer!