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News and Events

Journal Article Writing Group for Graduate Students: Spring 2025

Posted in: Center for Writing Excellence, News Faculty/Staff Can Use, News Students Can Use, Upcoming Events

Are you a graduate student working on preparing a journal article for publication? Learn more about the Graduate Student Journal Article Writing Club!

The writing club will run during the Spring 2025 semester (January 27th – April 25th), with weekly topics including: Advancing your Argument, Works Cited/Literature Review, Journal Selection, Analyzing/Presenting Evidence and more. A working draft of an article is required for participation. Participants will be asked to submit this draft when they register.

The program is mostly run asynchronously through Canvas, though participants are required to attend one weekly synchronous Zoom writing session, with multiple sessions being offered each week. We will be using Wendy Laura Belcher’s book Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks to help facilitate discussions and writing.

If you are interested in joining, please consider attending one of the upcoming Zoom information sessions where we will discuss how the program will run, the expected time commitment, and answer any other questions you may have about the club.

The dates for Zoom information sessions are as followed:

To join the club, please fill out the registration form. You do not need to attend an information session to join the club, but it is recommended. If you have questions, please contact the Center for Writing Excellence at Keep an eye on the library news feed for any updates!

Sponsored by the Center for Writing Excellence and the University Libraries.