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The Wolf/Man’s Lament: King Lear and Howling

Posted in: Center for Writing Excellence

The Montclair Honors Student Organization is hosting a lecture by Dr. Naomi Liebler: “The Wolf/Man’s Lament: King Lear and Howling,” Tuesday, April 20th, 4:00 P.M. in Freeman Lounge, Freeman Hall (refreshments to follow).

In the hands of a playwright famous for capturing human feelings most poetically, King Lear’s extraordinary pain when he carries his daughter’s corpse onto the stage explodes into wordless agonized howling. Shakespeare often compares human and animal, and here, he asks us to consider how close–or how far–we are from the animals, despite our capacity for great poetry. Come join us for a spirited talk by University Distinguished Scholar Dr. Naomi Conn Liebler, professor of literature, author of The Female Tragic Hero in Renaissance English Drama and Shakespeare’s Festive Tragedy: The Ritual Foundations of Genre, and co-editor of Tragedy, a collection of theoretical essays on the genre. Dr. Liebler has published close to forty articles in scholarly journals and is currently working on a book about Shakespeare’s Old Geezers.

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