Zoomed out of view of Cole hall bell tower

For Faculty: Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning Fellows

Faculty are the heart of the Center’s work. We are very excited to launch the third year of the Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning (CETL) Fellows program. Reimagined in AY 2017, CETL Fellows is a two-year professional development program for faculty interested in attaining a deeper knowledge of the pedagogies and processes of community-engaged teaching, learning and research.

Spanning two academic years of developmental study and practice, the CETL Fellows Program conjoins the University and various communities in mutually beneficial endeavors pertaining to pedagogy, scholarship, and applied project work.

The program’s purposes are:

  • To nurture a culture among Montclair State’s educator/scholar/practitioners that values civic and/or political engagement. This culture enables the University to develop sustained community partnerships and enact efficacious institutional citizenship.
  • To foster participants’ topical learning with regard to issues, concepts and applied techniques of:
    • Community-engaged pedagogy (including, but not limited to, service-learning)
    • Community-engaged scholarship (including community-based/participatory action research methods)
    • Community-engaged activities that build partnerships and infrastructure that strengthens communities’ civic and/or political fabric

The bi-annual cohorts of fellows, program alumni and community partners meet monthly throughout two academic years, as well as regularly in learning-partner pairs or small groups; and use functions of Canvas to share content, coordinate project-work and facilitate collaboration. During the first year, fellows learn about concepts, issues and techniques of community-engaged teaching and learning, and conceive and begin work on specific projects related to pedagogy, research and/or application. Throughout this work, they are supported by learning partners, who are fellows in the program’s second year. During the second year, fellows continue their project-work while serving as learning partners for the cohort of first-year fellows.

Fellows’ activities during each of the two years are made possible by an annual stipend in the amount of $1,000. These activities culminate in one (or more, if appropriate) of the following products:

  • A newly created or revised community-engaged course, conceived in collaboration with a specific community partner (or partners). Typically, the course is planned during the first year and implemented/reflected upon during the second year.
  • An IRB-approved community-engaged research project, conceived in collaboration with a specific community partner. Typically, the project is planned during the first year (with IRB forms submitted) and implemented during the second year. (Writing and submission to a conference and/or journal is done in the second year as well.)
  • A conceptual paper/article concerning ideas and practices of community-engaged teaching and scholarship submitted to an appropriate conference or journal. Typically, the conceptual research is conducted during the first year and the writing/submission is done in the second year.

The program is administered by Montclair State University’s Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships and funded by the Leshowitz Urban Initiative Fund. It supports the University’s commitment as an institutional citizen, fulfilling the ideals and responsibilities inherent to the prestigious Carnegie Foundation Community-Engaged Campus designation.

Meet the 2022–2023 Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning Fellows

Program Application

To qualify for admission to the CETL Fellows Program, one must be a full-time or fractional member of Montclair State University’s faculty or staff who has a regular (and predictably longitudinal) role in course instruction, research and/or applied community-based project-work.

Apply here!

For more information regarding the application, please contact:

Bryan Murdock
Associate Vice President of Community Engagement
Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships
Office Location: College Hall 348E
Email: murdockb@montclair.edu
Phone: 973-655-6831
Krystal Woolston
Director of Public Service Programs
Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships
Office Location: Cole Hall 348D
Email: woolstonk@montclair.edu
Phone: 973-655-4268