MLK Day of Service 2020

Every year, hundreds of students and volunteers participate in Montclair State’s annual MLK National Day of Service and this year was no different. On January 20th 2020 students, staff, community volunteers, and community partners joined together in a day of service in commemoration of the sacrifice and service of Martin Luther King Jr.
Bonners Leaders served as site leaders and led students and community members to service sites off campus including: Boys and Girls Club of Clifton, Human Needs Food Pantry, Job Haines, MedShare, KinderSmile and Wynona’s House to name a few. Education, Environment, and Community Outreach (EECO) AmeriCorps members also provided service at Canterbury Village assisted living facility. Over 17 community-based organizations accepted 213 students and volunteers to participate in service projects around the region.
On campus, service projects included the Cub Scouts of Pack 30 and middle school scholars from Montclair, NJ who made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Toni’s Food Kitchen in Montclair and assembled therapeutic hospital kits that were donated to the Children’s Specialized Hospital. The day of service provided an additional opportunity to promote Human Trafficking week, a project to raise awareness where students and committee members from MIGHT(Montclair Interest Group against Human Trafficking) displayed cut out figures of Human Trafficked victims to educate the campus community of their stories.
Special Thank You to our Community Partners and the MLK Day of Service Committee Members:
Lauren Brodowski – Community Engaged Learning Coordinator,
Center for Community Engagement (AmeriCorps)
Megan Thompson – Volunteer Coordinator, Center for Student Involvement (AmeriCorps)
Bryan Murdock – Director, Center for Community Engagement
Krystal Woolston – Assistant Director, Center for Community Engagement
Mariel Pagan – Director, Center for Student Involvement
Victoria Elisca – Assistant Director, Office of Residence Life
Robert “Bobby” Serrani – Academic Program Coordinator, University College
Emilia Rodowicz – Media Relations Coordinator, University Communications and Marketing
Dawn Wilkenfeld – International Student Services Coordinator, Office of International Engagement