14 Normal Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey 07043
We are located in a private house across from main campus on Normal Ave. Because we are technically considered to be located on the Montclair State University campus, searching for us on Mapquest or Google Maps will show you our location, but not how to get here or where to park. Please follow the below directions and reference 14 Normal Ave. on the campus map:
Our house is #14 and is dark moss green with white trim. We have a ramp on the side and a short flight of stairs in the front. There is a small sign on the front lawn titled Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health.
When you arrive, please enter through the front of the home. You have three options for parking:
- Park in Red Hawk Deck on campus for a fee
- You can look for street parking on Valley Road close to the intersection with Normal Ave. (two hour limit)
- Come to our local parking lot and either receive a hang tag for your time visiting the Center or park in one of our reserved spots.
If you choose this option, please let us know beforehand so that we can meet you in the parking lot.
Red Hawk Deck:
From the Deck, walk to Normal Avenue, cross at the cross walk, and walk towards our house about half way up the hill, across from a crosswalk.
Valley Road:
Walk towards the corner of Normal Ave. and Valley Road. Walk into campus on Normal Ave. and look for #14 about half way up the hill, across from a crosswalk.
Our local parking lot with either Montclair State hang tag or in our dedicated reserve spots:
On Valley Road traveling south from Rts. 46/3 towards the campus, pass Normal Ave. and then take the next right onto Presidents Drive. On Valley Road traveling north (i.e. away from the town center of Upper Montclair), you will pass Mt. Hebron Rd. and take a left onto Presidents Drive. This road is not listed on Mapquest or Google Maps as it is a campus road. Follow Presidents Drive up the small hill and around to the left towards Bond House. Stay to the right of Bond House and you will be brought into a parking lot. In front of you, you will see a small sign that says Lot 2. Turn right towards Lot 2 and continue until you see the back of our house to the left. We have dedicated parking spots by the back door of our building with the sign: Center for Autism and ECMH. Park in one of these spots if free. If these spots are not free, park in any spot temporarily, and we’ll supply you with a hang tag to put in your car for the time that you are with us. If the spots closer to our house are filled, turn around and try Lot 1, closer to Bond House.