Dr. Emily Hodge Authors Brief on Technical Education and Future Careers
Posted in: College News and Events
Dr. Emily Hodge, Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership, wrote a brief titled, Tracking and the Future of Career and Technical Education: How Efforts to Connect School and Work Can Avoid the Past Mistakes of Vocational Education. Dr. Hodge worked will fellow authors Dr. Shaun Dougherty of Vanderbilt University and Dr. Carol Burris, Executive Director of the Network for Public Education on this research, and it was published by the National Education Policy Center (NEPC). The NEPC produces and disseminates high-quality, peer-reviewed research to inform education policy discussions.
The authors explore the question of how schools might meaningfully support career exploration and preparation while avoiding the tendency of prior vocational education to disproportionately sort students into distinct tracks by ethnic, racial, and/or socioeconomic characteristics.
In her role as Assistant Professor, Dr. Hodge’s work uses historical and qualitative methods, as well as social network analysis to understand the changing nature of strategies for educational equity. Her research appears in the American Educational Research Journal, Educational Policy, Review of Research in Education, and AERA Open, among others.