Dr. Jennifer Robinson and National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) Cited in Article Published by European Journal of Teacher Education
Posted in: College News and Events

The European Journal of Teacher Education recently published the article, “Preparing educators for the time of COVID…and beyond,” by authors Linda Darling-Hammond and Maria E. Hyler.
In this article, the authors noted how Dr. Jennifer Robinson, Professor of Teaching and Learning and Executive Director of the Center of Pedagogy, through the National Network for Education Renewal (NNER), helped school districts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article noted:
“The current context has also blurred the lines between educator preparation and professional development of existing educators and has created an opportunity to build stronger bridges between educator preparation programs and their partner districts. Montclair State University in New Jersey has exceptional connections to partner districts through the Montclair State University Network for School Renewal. Dr Jennifer Robinson, Executive Director of the University’s Centre for Pedagogy, described how they are leveraging those partnerships during the pandemic to support much-needed inservice professional development:
‘We’ve provided a lot of online workshops . . . drawing upon many of our faculty on campus – from counseling, from the psychology department, even our school psych program.’ Robinson said teachers and administrators in their partner districts “have been flooding those workshops because we’re trying to provide the kind of support that we know our teachers need, [and] our administrators need to help them.”