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Image of a pile of paperback books on a table

Children, War, and Displacement: An Award Contest for Reviews of Children’s Books

This Award Contest is sponsored by the IAPC; the Department of Educational Foundations; and The College of Education and Human Services

Teachers College Record Book Review of Dr. Gregory's book

Teachers College Record Publishes Review of Dr. Maughn Gregory’s Book

Photo of student Elizabeth Moyeno '23

Elizabeth Moyeno

Masters in Higher Education

Headshot photo of Dr. Eric Weiner

Dr. Eric Weiner Published Article for Teachers College Record

“Totalitarianism Rising: The Limits of Democratic Education”

Photo of alumna Ashley Lipscomb '16

Ashley Lipscomb ’16

Image of light fixtures on University Hall

Asian Pacific Islanders (API) CEHS and CHSS Message

Photo of Dr. Douglas Larkin and Khadija Ahmed

Dr. Douglas Larkin, Khadija Ahmed, and 3 Teacher Education and Teacher Development Students Co-Author Article

Headshot photo of Dr. Bree Picower

Dr. Bree Picower to Discuss Racism at Town Hall Talk on March 13th

2022 AERA header image

Faculty and Students Presenting at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2022 Meeting

March 2022 CEHS Distinction Awards Recipients

March 2022 CEHS Distinction Award Recipients

Congratulations to Evelyn De Jesus-Quiles, Linda Salazar, Kaitlin Mulcahy, and Kurt Conklin

Teacher shortage in NJ image

Rhena Jasey-Goodman Comments on Teacher Shortage in New Jersey

Dr. Monica Taylor

Dr. Monica Taylor Offers Comment on Georgia Among the 10 Worst States for Women