Photo of students in an MPH classroom.

Montclair State University Standards

The Montclair State University education community has articulated standards that define the knowledge, skills, and dispositions we seek to develop in candidates in our programs for teachers and other school professionals. We developed two sets of standards — one for teachers in initial programs, and one for teachers in advanced programs and for school professionals. The University standards for initial teacher programs, which underwent several revisions based on faculty input, received formal endorsement from the Teacher Education Policy Committee in fall 2003 and were revised in 2011 and 2016. The University Standards for Advanced Teacher Programs and Programs for Other School Professionals were revised in 2007-08.

The Montclair State University standards reflect the principles and commitments articulated in our conceptual framework. They provide guidance for all aspects of our preparation of educators, including the admissions process, curriculum, instruction, field experiences, and assessment of candidate performance.