Photo of students in an MPH classroom.

CAEP Accountability Measures

The CAEP accountability measures for our initial and advanced certification programs are presented below.

Measure 1. Completer Effectiveness

These data are from the New Jersey Department of Education Educator Performance Reports for Education Preparation (PREP). The New Jersey Department of Education releases the PREP reports to provide data on teachers that each Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) recommended for certification. Due to pandemic-related disruptions, most teachers in New Jersey did not receive evaluation ratings for the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, or 2022-2023 school years. Therefore, updated value-added performance data is not available at this time. The data presented below is based upon the most recent PREP data available, 2020.

New Jersey state relies on multiple measures of performance to evaluate teachers. These measures include components of both student achievement and teacher practice. Student achievement is measured by Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) and Student Growth Objectives (SGOs). SGPs are a measure of gains on standardized test scores from one year to the next. Teachers set SGOs for their students at the start of the year and are assessed on whether those objectives are met at the end of the year.

Teacher practice is measured by performance on state-approved observation instruments and results in a Teacher Practice Score (TPS). All New Jersey teachers receive a Summative Rating, which is an overall evaluation score that combines teacher practice and student achievement growth, created by compiling multiple measures, TPS, SGP, and SGO.

NOTE: The NJDOE received a federal waiver in March 2020 that removed the requirement to administer statewide assessments and report on statewide assessment results for the 2019-2020 school year. Statewide assessments, including NJSLA, DLM, and ACCESS for ELLs, were cancelled in spring 2020 as a result of this waiver. Additionally, the NJSLA was cancelled in spring 2021, 2022. The DLM and ACCESS for ELLs
assessments were administered in spring 2021. As a result, statewide assessment results for the NJSLA and related accountability measures are not available and were not reported for the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 school years. It is anticipated that data will be available for the 2025 annual report.

Of Montclair State University prepared teachers who were evaluated:

Of the Bloomfield College prepared teachers who were evaluated:

Measure 2. Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement

The College for Education and Engaged Learning at Montclair State University surveys the schools that hire our graduates to request feedback about the effectiveness of our graduates as professionals and about our programs.

Measure 3. Candidate Competency at Completion

Teacher Preparation Program Completers and Average GPAs

Program Number of Completers
2022-2023 Academic Year
Average GPA
Undergraduate Initial Certification Program 211 3.71
Graduate Initial Certification Programs 199 3.98
Alternate Route Early Childhood 56 3.83
Bloomfield College of Montclair 1 Low N
Bilingual Bicultural Education 54 3.81
Educational Leadership 199 3.95
Principal 13 3.92
Reading Specialist 16 3.88
Supervisor 57 3.89
Teacher of English as a Second Language Advanced Certification 22 3.79
Teacher of Students with Disabilities Advanced Certification 34 3.90

Praxis II Pass Rates for 2022-2023 Completers

Bloomfield College of Montclair Sciences SubtestLow NLow N100%96.6%Bloomfield College of Montclair Social Studies SubtestLow NLow N100%96.6%

PRAXIS II SUBJECT EXAM N Number Passing Pass Rate Statewide Pass Rate
Alternate Route Early Childhood 38 38 100% 100%
Art 14 10 71% 73%
Early Childhood Education 45 44 98% 99.6%
Bloomfield College of Montclair Early Childhood Low N Low N 100% 99.6%
Elementary Education Math Subtest 103 100 97% 85.7%
Bloomfield College of Montclair Math Subtest Low N Low N 100% 85.7%
Elementary Education Language Arts Subtest 103 101 98% 95%
Bloomfield College of Montclair Language Arts Subtest Low N Low N 100% 99.1%
Elementary Education Sciences Subtest 104 95 91% 96.6%
Elementary Education Social Studies Subtest 104 92 88% 89%
English Language Arts 33 28 85% 87%
Health & Physical Education 35 31 89% 87%
Mathematics 19 19 100% 92%
Music 16 15 94% 93%
Social Studies 22 19 88% 89%
School Principal 143 138 97% 95%
School Administrator 40 35 88% 81%

Title II Reports

Alternate Route Reports

Measure 4. Ability of Completers to be Hired

The data included in this section is provided annually by the New Jersey Department of Education.  The New Jersey Department of Education provides employment outcome data for graduates who have been employed two years after their graduation date, in a New Jersey public school.

Initial Teacher Preparation Programs Employment Outcomes

Advanced Preparation Programs Employment Outcomes

The New Jersey Department of Education provides employment outcome data for 2022-2023 graduates of advanced educator programs who are reported as employed in a New Jersey public school or district.

Program Completers 2022-2023 Employed 2022-2023 Percent Employed
Bilingual / Bicultural Education 42 40 95%
Educational Leadership 287 252 88%
Reading Specialist 18 14 78%
School Psychologist 20 15 75%
Teacher of English as a Second Language 14 13 93%
Teacher of Students with Disabilities 33 32 97%
Overall 413 366 89%