Photo of students in an MPH classroom.

University Standards for Advanced Programs for Teachers and Other School Professionals

  1. Candidates know how knowledge in their discipline is created, organized, linked to other disciplines and applicable in the real world. Candidates have mastery over the core knowledge of their disciplines. They have a deep understanding of the history, structure and real-world applications of the knowledge within that discipline. They have skill and experience in teaching or applying that knowledge. They are familiar with the range of skills and experiences that individuals bring, and can effectively challenge misconceptions about the discipline.
  2. Candidates know and demonstrate the concepts, purposes, and processes of inquiry in their fields. Candidates know how to engage in inquiry appropriate to their respective fields, understand how to analyze and disseminate findings, and recognize the importance of ongoing inquiry to the refinement and development of current and new knowledge and practices germane to their practice. They understand the purposes of inquiry in their fields as it relates to their own practice and contributes to the larger research and practice community.
  3. Candidates critically examine their practice and incorporate ongoing practical and theoretical knowledge. Candidates model the recursive spirit of inquiry and ongoing curiosity about their practice; model honesty, fairness, respect for diversity, and appreciation of cultural and linguistic differences; actively seek and consider multiple perspectives; demonstrate and model critical thought and practice, and problem-solving approaches; critically inquire about their practice, seeking to expand their professional repertoire and sharpen their judgment; continually learn about the state of knowledge in their field and adapt their practice in response to new research findings, theories, and experience; and regularly seek input from colleagues, students, and other stakeholders to strengthen their practice.
  4. Candidates are able to plan for and employ a range of strategies and resources to create a meaningful context for learning and development. Candidates are able to assess and evaluate needs using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods, and build on these outcomes to plan and implement evidence-based, in-depth learning experiences. Resources used are varied and include meaningful use of current technologies where possible or practicable. They understand that learning occurs in a variety of contexts, and are able to build on strengths, weaknesses and interests in appropriate ways. They are able to make subject area content or services explicit and accessible. They use strategies that develop critical, analytical, and problem-solving processes. They employ strategies that address social and cultural inequities. They are able to interpret and report on learning and development to parents, caregivers, and other stakeholders.
  5. Candidates support learning and development through culturally responsive practices.
    1. Candidates have the fundamental orientations that serve as the basis for culturally responsive practices. They understand that how a person constructs meaning of the world, interacts with others, and functions is profoundly shaped by his or her life experiences, as mediated by factors such as race/ethnicity, religion, social class, gender, sexual orientation and special needs; demonstrate affirmative views of individuals whose lives differ from the mainstream norm; and have a sense that they are both responsible for and capable of bringing about change that results in environments that are more responsive to individuals from diverse backgrounds.
    2. Candidates have skills for learning about the diverse populations in schools, communities and other contexts they serve. They use this knowledge in carrying out their professional services in a culturally competent manner.
  6. Candidates are active members of learning communities. Candidates work in a professional manner with colleagues to ensure that all individuals with whom they work can thrive. They promote growth and development by working collaboratively with colleagues, families and/or communities. They review relevant policies and practices and advocate for changes when needed. They demonstrate knowledge of school and community resources and the ability to draw on those resources to enhance their professional practice. They participate in professional communities at local, regional, state, national, and/or international levels.
  7. Candidates continue to develop dispositions expected of professional educators.

    1. Hold affirming views toward people from diverse backgrounds.
    2. Believe that all students are capable of learning.
    3. Are committed to critical inquiry and life-long learning
    4. Are committed to collaborating with colleagues, families and communities to promote the growth and development of children and adults
    5. Are committed to bringing about change to create environments that are responsive to individuals from diverse backgrounds (including those related to class, gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age and special needs).