Elizabeth Moyeno
Masters in Higher Education
Posted in: Spotlights

Program and Degree: Masters in Higher Education Program
Expected Graduation Date: May 2023
Why did you choose this field of study? Why did you choose the program at Montclair State University?
I chose to enter the field of Higher Education because through my one of a kind experiences within my undergraduate career, I was granted the opportunity to grow exponentially on a personal and professional level via my significant involvement on/off-campus, embracing many leadership roles, mentoring other student leaders, helping those in need of guidance/assistance, and making unforgettable memories. My goal is to be able to give other students that same phenomenal experience while also implementing diversity, equity, inclusion, and recognizing our underrepresented/underprivileged students, who may be low-income, first-generation, feel lost, stressed, experience imposter syndrome, etc. while doing so.
I chose the program at Montclair State University because I genuinely believe that the professionals, my fellow colleagues, the curriculum, and my RedHawk community/environment would not only provide me with all of the tools that i need to succeed as a HIED practitioner, but would also grant me the opportunity to put all of my knowledge, experience, and passions into practice as they continue to mentor my growth and ability to make an everlasting impact in this field. I also had the amazing opportunity of gaining many relationships with fellow HIED alumni as well as current professionals in the field at MSU prior to applying for the Master’s program and after witnessing the groundbreaking work they were doing every single day as well as picking their brains on why they chose this route, it was clear to me that I had found my life’s purpose.
What are the best parts of your program?
The absolute best parts of the program are creating these authentic and truly necessary relationships with your fellow colleagues and other professionals in the field as you all embark on this journey together, trying to improve the future of Higher Education. I have gained so many unbreakable bonds with fellow practitioners both prior to and during this program and I can honestly say that we have all shown each other an undeniable amount of support while walking the path less traveled. Many of us juggle multiple positions, wearing a multitude of hats, yet we still find time to be students, educators, mentors, friends, leaders, and trailblazers in all that we do. I genuinely cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of us post-graduation as I look forward to continuously connecting and networking with such an amazing group of people!
What advice would you give to a prospective student in your field?
Some advice that I would give to a prospective student in my field is to always remember WHY you chose to enter Higher Education, what makes you so passionate about serving these populations, and how you want to contribute to consistently improving the ability and quality of a student’s education, leadership, involvement, development and overall well-being. Additionally, PLEASE put yourself out there and network like it’s no one’s business… Always take initiative when given an opportunity to build your connections and/or show what you bring to the table, be sure to pour your heart and soul into all of the work that you do, and remind yourself that every day is a good day to make an impact on a student’s life, for the better!
How is your program preparing you for working in your field?
I was blessed enough to be granted two Graduate Student Worker positions within University College and EOF, in addition to serving on the HIED Council, while being a full-time student within the program, and I can genuinely say that MSU has done a great job at providing our students with the knowledge, awareness, skillset, and versatility that is needed to be successful in this field. Our curriculum is very hands-on, participation, teamwork, open-mindedness, and diversity/equity/inclusion heavy, which allows us to gain a multifaceted set of skills that’ll allow us to flourish in any area of HIED that we choose to pursue. Equally important, we are encouraged to share our experiences in the field, network with one another, promote opportunities, and maintain a level of mutual respect amongst each other, which has ensured us much success and makes us extremely resilient come post-graduation.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your program, the College of Education and Human Services, or Montclair State University that we haven’t asked about?
As a current first-generation, low-income, Latina, and alumna of Montclair State University who is also pursuing her Master’s Degree in Higher Education at this institution, I want to emphasize the appreciation I have for the amazing professionals, leadership teams, fellow students, colleagues, and friends who have always provided me with countless support, encouragement, and opportunities to get involved, emerge as a leader, showcase my skill set, be my most authentic self, grow exponentially on a personal and professional level, and ultimately find my passion/purpose in life. Becoming a Redhawk was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I cannot wait to see what the future holds as my institution continues to prepare me for success post-graduation!