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Dr. Patricia Virella

Dr. Patricia Virella Wrote Article for PBS NewsHour Classroom’s Educator Voice Blog

Dr. Stephanie Silvera

Dr. Stephanie Silvera Comments on Expected COVID-19 Surge in NJ

Marsha Duncan, Class of 2022

Marsha Duncan

BS in Public Health, Health Systems Administration and Policy

Imani Hill and Joe Bavazzano CEHS plot Community Garden

CEHS Plot at Campus Community Garden

Photo of Vu-An Foster

Vu-An Foster

Master of Public Health concentration in Health Systems Administration and Policy

May 2022 Issue of Total Food Service Magazine

Nutrition and Food Studies Student Karen Jones Published in Total Food Service Magazine

Photo of Dr. Lauren Dinour

Dr. Lauren Dinour Receives Center for Community Engagement’s Outstanding Service Award for a Faculty Partner

Photo of Taylor Waddleton, Class of 2022

Taylor Waddleton

BA in Family Science and Human Development; MA in K-6 and Teacher Certification of Students with Disabilities; Class of 2022

Photo of Dr. Stephanie Silvera for NJ Spotlight News Interview

Dr. Stephanie Silvera Comments on Longer than Usual Flu Season in New Jersey

Photo of Spring 2022 IAC Celebration

Increasing Access to College (IAC) Celebration

May 2022 CEHS Awards

May 2022 CEHS Distinction Award Recipients

Congratulations to Dr. Kathleen Bauer, Brenda Godbolt, and Melanie Shefchik!

Public Health professors Lisa Lieberman (left) and Eva Goldfarb

Dr. Eva Goldfarb and Dr. Lisa Lieberman Spoke on Podcast “Dear Ohio”