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Updates from Past Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) Scholars

Posted in: College News and Events

Photo of Dr. Maria Papathanasiou and Yuliia Kravchenko
Photo of Dr. Maria Papathanasiou and Yuliia Kravchenko

Dr. Maria Papathanasiou, who was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) from 2019 to 2021, just defended her thesis, “Parents-Teachers Transformational Community of Inquiry: An Innovative Model,” with honors, for the Doctor of Philosophy degree at Naples University Federico II in Italy. She worked closely with IAPC Fellow David Kennedy while she was here.

This past November, IAPC Visiting Scholar Yuliia Kravchenko published the article “Попит на «любов до мудрості» свідчить про приєднання України до освітніх світових тенденцій та дорослішання суспільства” [Demand for “love of wisdom” testifies to Ukraine’s accession to global educational trends and the maturing of society”] in the national newspaper The Day, published in Kyiv. The article recounts the birth of Philosophy for Children, the founding of the IAPC, and the partnership between Kirovograd State Pedagogical University and Montclair State University and the IAPC in 1999-2001, that instigated Philosophy for Children in Ukraine.

Read the article