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Dr. Douglas Larkin, Khadija Ahmed, and 3 Teacher Education and Teacher Development Students Co-Author Article

Posted in: College News and Events

Photo of Dr. Douglas Larkin and Khadija Ahmed

Three Teacher Education and Teacher Development students, Suzanne Poole, Liz Carletta, and Catherine Gaynor, co-authored an article with Dr. Douglas Larkin (Professor, Teaching and Learning) and Khadija Ahmed (Research Assistant, Center for Research and Evaluation on Education and Human Services (CREEHS)), for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Their article, “Portraying secondary science teacher retention with the person-position framework: An analysis of a state cohort of first-year science teachers” uses state-level staffing data to analyze the five-year career trajectories of all 231 first-year secondary science teachers in New Jersey who began teaching during the 2010-2011 school year. The person-position framework for studying teacher retention is introduced in this analysis, and the authors present a case for the importance of specifying both location and duration in empirical reporting on teacher retention, as well as distinguishing between the employer’s and individual teachers’ perspectives on retention. The article is the first top-tier journal article from their NSF project.

Read their article