Dr. Ashley Ermer Launches Research Survey on Montclair Seniors About ‘Digital Equity’
Posted in: College News and Events
Dr. Ashley Ermer, Assistant Professor in the Family Science and Human Development Department, is launching a survey for Montclair Seniors about “Digital Equity.” Montclair State University is partnering with the Township of Montclair/Lifelong Montclair to develop the digital equity survey. The survey is for those above age 55 interested in contributing to Montclair’s community knowledge about technology usage.
Dr. Ermer emphasizes her research focuses on examining how the social environment matters for older adults. Her research focuses on two main areas: 1) the interplay of older adults’ social relationships and well-being and 2) forgiveness in the context of health and social relationships. She specializes in gamily gerontology; the interplay between older adults’ wellbeing and social relationships; and forgiveness in the context of relationships and wellbeing.