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Dr. Emily Hodge Receives Early Career Award from AERA Division L

Posted in: College News and Events

Photo headshot of Dr. Emily Hodge

Dr. Emily Hodge, Associate Professor in Educational Leadership, recently received the AERA Division L (Education Policy and Politics) Early Career Award.

Acting Dean Katrina Bulkley nominated Dr. Hodge for the award, and her recommendation spoke to the core components of the award: the productivity of her research; the quality of her work, including its rigor and insight; and the contribution of her work to both research and policy. She noted, “Dr. Hodge has conducted outstanding research with rigor and insights recognized by publication in highly competitive journals. This, in combination with her efforts to build the field and enhance ties between the field and both policy and practice, as well as her exceptional contributions to Division L, support her strong consideration for this prestigious award.”

Dr. Hodge’s work uses historical and qualitative methods, as well as social network analysis, to understand the changing nature of strategies for educational equity. Recent projects have explored how educational systems, schools, and teachers negotiate the tension between standardization and differentiation in the context of the Common Core State Standards, and the varied strategies state education agencies are using to support standards implementation. Hodge is a recipient of a Small Research Grant and a Conference Grant from the Spencer Foundation. Her research appears in the American Educational Research Journal, Educational Policy, Review of Research in Education, and AERA Open, among others.

The award will be presented to Dr. Hodge at the Division L Business Meeting on Friday, April 22, 2022, at 6:00 pm PST in the Grand Hyatt (Harbor Ballroom A) at the upcoming AERA 2022 conference.