Dr. Sara Goldstein Gives Signs of Bullying to Help Parents on CBS2 with John Elliott
Posted in: College News and Events, Master of Public Health News, Public Health
Dr. Sara Goldstein, Professor in the Family Science and Human Development Department, was recently interviewed by John Elliott of CBS2 about Bullying Awareness and Prevention Month.
“Parents should keep a close eye on their child for signs of behavioral change like not liking familiar activities that they once really enjoyed, change of friends, spending a lot more time alone. Sometimes there’s a decline in grades or a decline in interest in extracurricular activities,” Dr. Goldstein said.
She added, “Parents should keep an open dialogue with their child about what’s happening in their lives at school, with their friends, and when parents have that open rapport with their child, the kids are more likely to tell their parents if something if actually was happening that was bad in their peer relationships.” Also, “it’s never too early” to have this discussion with kids.
The segment begins around the 2:40 mark.