A back pathway behind Stone Hall on a sunny day.
Career Services News

Share your views by April 30 and win $500!

Your chance to comment on the job hunt!

Posted in: Career Services General News

The National Association of Colleges and Employers wants to know what you think.

You could win $500, just by sharing your views on the job-search process. Participate in the 2012 NACE Student Survey, and you are eligible to win!

It’s easy: Complete the survey online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NACE2012 anytime between now and April 30, 2012, and you are eligible to win (winner to be picked, at random, on May 7, 2012). Good luck! Your individual response will remain absolutely confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of NACE. [Please be certain to indicate "Montclair State University" not "MSU."]